Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blondes Have More Fun

It's been a little while since I've blogged so I figured today would be as good as any to start up again.

The end of last term was rough. Between student issues, site issues, and pure exhaustion, I was more than ready to shuffle the students out of Myers and into their respective cars so I could finally get a break.

My mother always takes pictures...
No matter how much I protest
4 days home was not nearly long enough, but at least it was spent with the people I care about most. I was able to spend time with my boyfriend, my family, my best friends, babysit my favorite baby, and even enjoy some snuggles with my puppy. Though it seems like a lot, I did get a good chunk of relaxation in.

Boba is getting so big!
In a blink of an eye, I was back in Athens, ready to tackle term II with a few new RCs and a ton of new Academic Staff members. Training flew by and here we are almost at the end of week one.

These students are much different than the first set and I had forgotten how much I love the term II kids. They aren't the most coordinated or athletically gifted, but they are damn creative and I can't wait to see their TiPSync performances next weekend. I've also realized that these students are less afraid of me and are much more calm than the first term. (Most likely because they've had a few weeks to go crazy at home first..)

Aside from great students, my staff has been great this term as well. Most of them have a term under their belt and are ready for anything I throw their way. They've stepped up in areas that are not necessarily required, but they are proving they love their positions here at UGA and that they'd do anything for these kids.

Now onto a quick bragging break:My supervisor from Main Office called me and told me I had some of the best reviews of an RLC last term. She read them off to me and it made me so happy to hear that I'm actually doing well in this role. Last term was rough on the student front, but apparently I kept my shit together enough that my staff thought I did a great job. The reviews were the best I've ever gotten in a supervisory role. Obviously, there were areas of improvement, but they were all things I am aware of and am actively working on for this term as well as for when I return to Philly in a few weeks for RA training.

And now back to our regularly scheduled blog post...

New 'do
Yesterday was my first day off this term. I decided to treat myself to a day at the hair salon. Here is the result ----->

Aside from my trip to the salon, my day was rather uneventful (thankfully) until 8PM when we headed to trivia. We killed it yet again and came in first place (with 101 points) making it the fourth time in a row we've come in first. Go TIP Slip!
Trivia Night

This weekend is going to be quite busy, but I'm looking forward to spending time with the tipsters in residential activities. Send some good vibes for our Ultimate Frisbee Game on Saturday so no one gets broken!

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