Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fun Fact: All porcupines float in water

This post has been edited in an effort to not piss off some people. Sorry if anyone's feelings were hurt.

Today was the first time in a while that a room full of students were incredibly unhappy with me.

As much as it sucks to have to be the adult in the situation, it has to be done. It's hard being so close in age with them, but I'm slowly starting to grasp this new role.  At the end of the day, my staff doesn't have to view me as a friend, but as a supervisor.*

*                   *                   *                   *
After I started this post, I stopped by my parents' house to help out with a few things. My original ending to this was "it's been a hectic and draining week, even though it's only Tuesday, but things can only go up from here, right?" Unfortunately, things went from bad to worse. (I have a habit of speaking prematurely and then having to backtrack...) 

When I went home, my parents informed me that not one, but two of our cats are really sick. One of them hasn't been eating and is basically wasting away while the other is relieving itself wherever it can (something that happened with my old dog right before she was put down). I guess I always knew this would happen, but I had always assumed it would be much later. I mean, I've had these two particular cats for quite a few years (between 8 and 12 years), but I honestly never thought this day would actually come.
The day hasn't officially arrived yet, but it will be happening in the near future. As much as it sucks for them to have to be put down, at least they won't be suffering any more. I just wish I could spend more time with them before it happens, but most likely that will not be the case.
I wish I had something witty or inspirational to leave you with, but unfortunately I'm too bummed out to think of something. Instead, I will just bid you adieu. 

*If it wasn't for my summer position at TIP, I wouldn't have learned to focus less on friendships and more on the supervisor role.  The experience I gained over the summer has helped me immensely and I can't thank the program enough for all they've done for me. It's not easy, but I'll get to where I need to be soon enough.

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